This page was originally published 2000-2014 at
The following description of a GRB model can also be used to explain
more recent FRB observations. Essentially a FRB is a very fast GRB where
wavelengths shorter than radio are too short in duration to be observed.
In a non expanding universe of infinite age and size, observors should see
emr from all directions and from great cosmological distances. This assumes
a non Big Bang universe not conforming to the laws of relativity. At these
scales some stellar sources will actually be moving away from the earth at
speeds greater than c. The earth then must be travelling away from the
source, at speeds greater than c and we would therefore overtake this light
and "see" the light in reverse. That is, what appears to be a flash above us is
actually light we are overtaking from the opposite direction below our feet.
Much as a fast boat can overtake slower waves on water and the waves
appear to be coming towards the observer in the prow of the boat when
in fact they are travelling in the same direction as the boat but at a slower
speed. Taking into account the assumption that we would always be
decellerating in relation to the source of the light, the burst would first
be seen as more blue shifted (at the gamma end of the spectrum) and as
time progresses observations in longer wavelengths would be observed.
So the original gamma lightcurve profile would be seen stretched out
over longer time frames in longer wavelengths . If the burst was for
20 seconds in gamma and 200 in optical and then it would be seen for
2000 sec in radio. But always show the same distinctive profile for each
burst in various parts of the observed spectrum.
For a brief visual explanation of this see..
The model I describe here predicts that the afterglows in different parts
of the emr spectrum will be similar in profile to that of the gammaray
lightcurve, but with different timescales. This is consistent with all
observations and shown in the illustration below. The graph below shows
this in data from grb 970508. Using gamma, optical and radio observations.
The prediction would be that other unmeasured lightcurves like x-rays
would also have similar profiles as their counterpart in gamma.
The shorter the wavelength the shorter the timescale. That is; in x ray
the burst duration would be shorter than optical and longer than gamma.
In the comparison graph below, between the 3 lightcurves, a self
similarity of lightcurve profiles from different parts of the emr spectrum
is observed. The length of the afterglow is directly proportional to the
wavelength. It also indicates that if gamma and optical burst time lengths
very were small, on the order of smaller than milliseconds. Then in radio,
these bursts would be observed having time scales in millisconds. And
that there would be measurable delays between shorter and longer
radio wavelengths. This is confirmed by recent Fast Radio Burst