Saturday, 24 October 2020

Faster than light communication

In various posts on this blog I have made the argument for a wave only model of EMR. Where light travels at c only in the source frame. (sometimes referred to as an emission model). In addition to this I have shown how all the standard experiments used by relativists and QT enthusiasts can also be shown to be consistent with wave only light that travels only at c in the source frame. Notably the Michaelson Morley experiment which confirms that light always appears to travel at c relative to the source and setup as it propagates away from the source in the experiment. What are the implications of this observation? To start with, as I've pointed out in other posts of this blog, pro relativity theorists like de Sitter were incorrect in assuming light "piles up" on its journey to earth from a rotating double star system in what he called an emission model. Notice De Sitter incorrectly has light travelling away at *variable speeds* relative to the source to make it look like it piles up. A falsehood and a contradiction, because DeSitter claims he is modelling how light travels in a model where light always propagates away from the source at c relative to the source! But to continue: In a true light at c only relative to the source model as I am advocatimg, this means that ANY light that travels away from a source ALWAYS travels at c away from that source. Regardless of the observers motion relative to the source after the light has left the source.(Providing extinction does not significantly effect the speed of light propagating away from the source.) This can only mean that if a light source moves away at a particular velocity from an observer AFTER the light has travelled part way to the observer and extinction does not come into play, then ANY light that has already left the source gets "pulled back" from the observer by the same velocity. This indicates that faster than light, indeed instantaneous communication is possible. Contrary to the limits of c set by relativity. So for instance, if light travels away from a source becomes visible over time to an observer on a distant star system then simply by pulling the source back and forth relative to the observer watching this light arrive, this Doppler shifted "back and forth" information should become immediately visible to the observer even though they may be many light years distant from the source! Of course this involves the almost impossible task of keeping the source coherent and functioning over the many thousand of years it takes for the light to travel the stellar distances between source and observer. But for shorter solar system distances it should be possible to perform and test this theoretical prediction.

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Propulsion method for moving levitating superconductor.

As we know superconductors supercooled will hover above or below powerful magnetic fields. Tracks sometimes are used to illustrate this remarkable effect. For those inclined, these demonstrations on video look remarkeably like the descriptions used for UFO sightings. And it seems reasonable to suggest that this supercooled superconductor technology, if made of larger and more powerful superconducting materials, could use the earth's relatively weak magnetic field. Instead of the usual small powerful neodium magnets used in current lab experiments. Cynics say the earths field isn't powerful enough and at the wrong direction and not uniform enough to levitate supercooled superconductors. As usual these excuses don't stack up. The magnetic tracks in the lab versions are not uniform either. Nor does the field direction effect the observed levitating superconductor. Because as the videos of the experiments show...The superconductor levitating discs can be placed at any angle on the track and still levitate and move around the track at that fixed angle. ( In other words at any Angle to the magnetic field, including horizontally as with the earth's field at any point.) Obviously field direction is not a restriction. The only restriction really is....expense and technology. In other words it's possible that given the right research , money and time, one cannot rule out a large powerful supercooled superconductor levitating using only the earth's magnetic field.
But the second hurdle to face if trying to duplicate the many anecdotal descriptions of UFO sightings is...How to move the supercooled superconducting disc as it hovers above ground in the earth's field. Without using any observable or currently known propulsion methods, like rocket propulsion for instance. Answer...The phenomena associated with the Preccession of a spinning bicycle wheel. Note that a spinning wheel on an axis will precess or move in the direction of the bicycle wheel rotation. This is the answer to the problem of propelling the levitating superconductor disc without any obvious observable propulsion system. All that needs to be done is place a spinning wheel on a fixed axle and attach this to the levitating super conductor disc. And when this wheel spins it would move, ie precess, the superconducting levitating disc itself in the direction of the spinning wheel. To change direction of motion of the superconducting levitating disc, all one has to do is rotate the axis of the spinning wheel. To reverse the direction of motion....just reverse the rotational direction of the spinning wheel. Or Rotate the axis of rotation of the spinning wheel 180 degrees.
So there we have it. Known and proven effects of preccession to propel the levitating disc. And the tantalising possibility of tech advances in size and strength of superconductors to allow levitation itself in just the strength of the earth's magnetic field. My guess is...this has already been achieved in some secret lab somewhere already.