Saturday 31 August 2024

Quantum Magic: How Scientists Are Untangling the Universe’s Weirdest Mystery. Carl Kocher

I’m glad Carl admits QT is just magic. As he explains further at the end of his article with the following question, quoted below:

Take another look at predictions #1 and #3 above. If we draw on our experience of life in a non-quantum world, we may notice something very strange when the polarizers are “crossed” at 90 degrees. If each photon has a 50% chance of transmission through its polarizer, why don’t we get coincidences 25% of the time? Instead, we observe none at all. At first consideration, this does seem to qualify as a paradox. One possible explanation could involve a missing component of quantum theory – perhaps a causal mechanism that could allow one photon, or one measurement, to communicate with the other. However, despite extensive research, no evidence has been found for such a mechanism.” Carl Kocher

It may be a magical mystery for Carl Kocher. But the reason behind Carl’s mystery is that he believes in Einsteins fantasy photons and QT’s magical mystery tour. Because a traditional Young Huygens wave only classical model of light and an understanding of polarisation can fully explain the ‘no coincidences’ recorded when the polarisers at the two detectors are crossed in Carl’s experiment. Without having to resort to magic or mystery.

First of all one must understand how the source light is polarised. Carl confirms that the source beams of 551 and 423 nm from the excited calcium source are unpolarised. However he also admits that both beam paths will always have the same polarisation state when they arrive at the detectors at any one point in time. As long as both path lengths are equal. (“More generally, if one of the photons passes through a linear polarizer at any orientation, the remaining photon will then be in the same polarization state, pending future measurements.” Kocher)

And so when the two beams (423 &551nm) arrive at the two detectors, both detectors will receive light at any one point in time that will always be in the same polarised state. As long as both path lengths are identical. (This incidentally is the purpose of the coincidence counter. It records all counts over the time span of the experiment, but collates counts from both detectors to match them both to the same time of emission to check for coincidences. Which is also defined as the same path length)

And therefore, as Carl says in his article, if he crosses the polarising filters by placing a horizontally polarised filter in front of detector A, and a vertically polarised filter in front of detector B then only one of the two detectors can detect any incident wave light that left the source at same time. Unfortunately for Carl, real physics doesn’t use QT magic. And light is wave only. So instead of 2 imaginary magically entangled photons arriving at the detectors, it is just 2 same polarised points in the wave-only light beams (423 &551nm). With the proviso, as Kocher admits above, that both these beams when emitted will always be emitted with the same state of polarisation. And therefore they both arrive at the detectors with the same polarised state. Provided the two path lengths are identical.

For example if both detectors are receiving the same vertically polarised part of the lightbeams simultaneously, but only one detector can receive vertically polarised light due to the crossed filters, then obviously only one detector will detect any light at any one time.

Hence no coincidences will or can be recorded. Exactly as observed. 

Not only is this a physical mechanism that can explain the experimental results, no QT magic is needed either. Just a plain old classical theory of wave only light as described by Young and Huygens

For further examples of how QT magic can be explained by a wave only classical model read Here

Monday 26 August 2024

Attosecond delays in X-ray molecular ionization

“Here we report measurements of the X-ray photoemission delay of core-level electrons, with unexpectedly large delays,..”

As usual, Einsteins theory on photoelectrics is being proven once again to be pseudoscience. As the above quote from the linked papers abstract reveals. Problem is the theorists including those writing this paper just can’t bring themselves to admit that Einstein invented imaginary photons in 1905 purely as an excuse to validate the ludicrous claims in his soon to be published paper on special relativity. Knowing that the wave only theory of light accepted at the time was not consistent with his soon to be published fantasy of imaginary photons always travelling at c in all frames in his next paper on special relativity. 

The photon model is possibly one of the greatest obstacles to our understanding of the universe. Hubble, Planck and many other leading theorists at the time never accepted cosmological redshift was due to expansion. But because Einstein and his ludicrous quasi religious fantasies had by the 1920’s become to be worshipped and revered, nobody could accept that Hubble had just discovered that photons DID indeed lose energy over distance. A discovery that invalidated both of Einsteins 1905 Photoelectric and Special Relativity papers. And the continuing dogmatic adherence to anything Einstein published still prevents today’s theorists from understanding this basic fact: That light isn’t a photon. It is a wave only phenomena. And further to that...Electrons are also fantasies. Electric current can be much better modelled as variations in strength and orientations of adjacent atoms magnetic fields.

I have argued for many years on this blog that the photoelectric effect can be easily explained as a non relativistic classical wave only effect. Where light is a wave that gets “quantised” into packets of wave only electrical current by the detector atom. Using well documented and still scientifically accepted understanding of resonance in those resonating systems called atoms. No need for imaginary particles like photons or electrons.