Friday, 3 December 2021

James Webb observations contradict Big Bang Theory predictions

 Getting closer now to the JWST observing galaxies in a new deep field survey that were not predicted explained or even expected from the Big Bang Theory.

But how will the BB theorists get out of admitting their theory and its predictions screwed up (again)?

Brian Cox has led the way for the new revisionist version of BBT and has explained on his BBC religious program “Universe” exactly how the new upcoming JWST data and current data on large scale structures that until now cannot be explained by the BBT, can be made consistent with current dogma.

Apparently Brian and his fellow BBT fantasists are going to pretend the galaxies and large scale structures  that shouldn’t be there in the so called “early universe” predicted by these BBT nutters (and soon to be observed by the JWST) are “echoes” of the previous Big Bang.

And in an extra footnote to the whole BBT hoax here is a quote below from the historical record showing Hubble himself didn’t think redshift was due to expansion. Because in 1929 Hubble knew “expansion” was not real. He just couldn’t attribute it to a failure of Einsteins photon model. Because Albert was just too famous to challenge having just won the Nobel prize for pretending photons could not lose energy over distance.

“Hubble concluded that his observed log N(m) distribution showed a large departure from Euclidean geometry, provided that the effect of redshifts on the apparent magnitudes was calculated as if the redshifts were due to a real expansion. A different correction is required if no motion exists, the redshifts then being due to an unknown cause. Hubble believed that his count data gave a more reasonable result concerning spatial curvature if the redshift correction was made assuming no recession. To the very end of his writings he maintained this position, favouring (or at the very least keeping open) the model where no true expansion exists, and therefore that the redshift "represents a hitherto unrecognized principle of nature". This viewpoint is emphasized (a) in The Realm of the Nebulae, (b) in his reply (Hubble 1937a) to the criticisms of the 1936 papers by Eddington and by McVittie, and (c) in his 1937 Rhodes Lectures published as The Observational Approach to Cosmology (Hubble 1937b). It also persists in his last published scientific paper which is an account of his Darwin Lecture (Hubble 1953).”

Thursday, 30 September 2021

3D freestanding viewer using birefringement .

Use the properties of birefringement to create a free standard stereoscope viewer. Calcite Crystal split incoming circular polarised beam or a beam that consists of vertical and horizontal polarisation states.

Notice the delayed quantum eraser experiment uses this property of birefringement to create overlapping alternating out of phase interference patterns at the signal detector as described at the following link@:

Encode two data streams into the circular polarised beam so that one data stream is preserved in the horizontal part of the cycle and a seperate channel encoded in the vertical part of the cycle. Then this data could be extracted into two seperate beams again by simply putting the encoded circular polarised beam through a calcite crystal. 

In particular if two stereoscopic images were encoded into a circular polarised beam. The right hand image  on the horizontal part of the cycle, the left hand image on the vertical part of the cycle. Then this could be sent through a fibre optical network and at the other end the beam would be sent through a calcite crystal, the two stereoscopic images extracted and seperated by the crystal into two images, right and left. At which point the viewer could look at the crystal, change their eye focus so stereo images merge...and a true freestanding stereoscopic image could produced. Without need for special eyeglasses. Possibly the viewer side of the crystal surface could be made slightly convex to separate the two images so that one image at a time only would be seen by each eye. 

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Earths Magnetic field revisited

Nice to see Phil Livermore admitting in a tweet that my prediction the Magnetic North Pole would cross over the international date line was now fact. A prediction which he dismissed in 2017 as being unverifiable and not worth considering as even possible in an email correspondence to me. Typical of an ‘expert’ to ignore any model or it’s predictions not published in a peer reviewed paper regardless of how subsequently successful that model is. 

Saturday, 4 September 2021

CERN particle Myth

Since the early part of the 20th C theoretical physics has using the standard model, attempted to describe the nature of atoms and light as being particulate. Ignoring the fact that almost all other scientific observations point to radiation being wave only and atoms as being only wave like resonating points in space. The only observation supporting the particle model are the observed "particle like" paths seen in cloud and bubble chambers and particle accelerator collisions. This video shows how the traditional explanation that these paths can only be caused by particles, to be a false assumption. By overlapping only 3 expanding wavefronts in 3 dimensions, all straight,curved, split,spiral,positive and negative paths observed in cloud chambers can be succesfully modeled using overlapping wavefronts only. I have produced a video of my own theoretical model of how particles are “created” in cloud chambers showing digital simulations of 3 expanding wavefronts and how they can recreate most if not all the observed "particle paths" seen in colliders.
I challenge anyone in the particle physics community: Give me a “particle path” and I’ll show you how it can be made by three overlapping wavefronts. No need for particles. Just as there was no need for an earth centered universe.

Thursday, 5 August 2021

James Webb Space Telescope is expected to observe mature galaxy formation in early universe

Looking forward to having the JWST confirm the following observations. That mature galaxies are observed in any new deep field survey of the distant universe. Confounding the current predictions of BB theorists that JWST would confirm their predictions that no early mature galaxy formations would be observed in any new deep field survey conducted by the JWST. Note the theoretical physicists who have to date predicted that the JWST would see no new or early galaxy formation will rapidly make up new excuses to explain the failure of the BB model and its predictions. They will say...that they had predicted these galaxies in the early universe!! My guess is they will invoke "distortion of time itself in the early era of the Big Bang universe " to explain why the JWST observed mature galaxies where none were predicted previously by the BBT. Separate to this is my expectation that the JWST will also observe what I predicted on this blog for a decade and more and also as far back as 2001 on my webpage. That in the near and far infrared the delay in peak flux of gammarayburst afterglows will occur later and in longer wavelengths. A delay that will be Proportional to wavelength. The same wavelength/time delay relationship as seen in current observed Fast radio burst(FRB)decays in radio. Described currently on the wiki FRB page as: "The component frequencies of each burst are delayed by different amounts of time depending on the wavelength". In 2001 I described this expected delay as "proportional to wavelength". I expect this wavelength/delay in peak flux of GRB afterglows to be observed by JWST whenever it finally comes online later this year Why do I say this? Because the literature on the JWST suggests that it can observe multiple points simultaneously in its field of view at any wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum within near and far infrared wavelengths. I assume this means the programmers of the JWST can observe GRB afterglows, if they feel inclined, in multiple wavelength observations from the *SAME* point in the sky simultaneously in different parts of the near and far infrared emr spectrum. My prediction is if they do make these observations of GRB afterglows they will not only confirm my models predictions, but also not be consistent with current established theory. Nor will they be able to explain these observations without admitting that their theoretical assumptions of a constant speed of light in all frames has been proved incorrect.

Electric current, Drude model and Brownian motion.

Although the Drude model has a good grasp of conductivity it fails in part because it incorrectly assumes the existence of electrons An assumption that should have been dismissed at least a century ago. It is the ATOM which bounces around, not the imaginary electron. So if one correctly models “current” as the atom rather than the electron bouncing around, as Drude originally speculated, then confirmation by observation can back up this assumption. Seeing as we know the atom has an inherent magnetic field. And we know from observations that if one moves a magnetic field a current is induced. No need for bouncing electrons and Quantum theory.

Sunday, 21 February 2021

Thermal radiation


Thermal radiation explained:

Thermal radiation is electromagnetic radiation generated by the thermal motion of atoms in matter. How does a bouncing atom create such high frequency radiation in optical? 

When heated, the atoms bounce around hitting each other. The measured distance between some atoms in black body thermal radiators can be on order of only a few angstroms. The frequency of the thermal radiation emitted would be dependent on how fast and how far one atom has to travel before it gets nearer the adjacent atoms magnetic field and bounces back.  The two recoil and create the moving magnetic field, which in turn creates the electromagnetic wave and thus; the thermal radiation. 

Seeing as the space between atoms can be only as little as one tenths of nm and that black body radiation peaks in optical in the hundreds of nm wavelengths, then it follows that any motion of an atom in the heated blackbody material would mean its oscillation frequency around the optical and infrared  frequencies can be easily accounted for. By virtue of the very short distance the atom has to move between its succesive ‘bounces’. An analogy is if one bounces a ball at a constant speed between two walls x distance apart, then at the same speed that balls “bounce” frequency will increase the shorter the distance ‘x’ is between the walls. 

On a microscopic scale, heat conduction occurs as hot, rapidly moving or vibrating atoms and molecules interact with neighboring atoms and molecules, transferring some of their energy (heat) to these neighboring particles. 

Friday, 5 February 2021

Push Gravity modelled as an electromagnetic wave.

 Push gravity using a particle model has been shown to be vulnerable to various criticisms not least being unable to explain what particles that do the pushing are made of. But if EMR is used rather than particles I believe push gravity can stand up to scrutiny. 

The usual theoretical explanation for push gravity is that gravity as EMR ‘pushes’ in from all sides evenly. This means if two objects are close together each will throw a ‘shadow’ onto the other. The mass of each body reduces the push on the other  in its shadow. This of course will result in the two objects apparently having a gravitational attraction to each other. In fact, this is not gravity pulling but rather an external force pushing the two objects together.

Some say that even an EMR push theory wouldn’t work.  Saying it would lead to ‘drag’ of orbital bodies in the solar system and that this isn’t observed. Other criticism being: How does the EMR interact or ‘push’ the atom? Or,..wouldn’t the push waves energy build up in each atom and it would become heavier over time? These criticisms  *can* still be explained by a push EMR model. 

As I have outlined elsewhere in my other pages a push model using EMR would only work in an infinite and non expanding non Big Bang universe. And one where relativity or quantum effects like particles are not invoked.

In a EMR push gravity model any object whether it moves relative to any other mass or not is always at the center of its own infinite universe. Because in an infinite non BB universe any point or object  is always technically at the center of the universe by right of there always being an infinite amount of mass equally in any direction outside any object.

This means that once local gravitational forces are ignored there is a push pressure of EMR radiation pushing in *evenly* from all directions. Regardless of that objects location or its movement relative to any other object.  

In other words an orbitting body in our solar system will not experience ‘drag’ as long as it moves along its inertial path. And only experience “drag” if a change of direction in its inertial path is needed. Or of course if it experiences the gravitational ‘shadow’ from a nearby mass. 

This is essentially inertia. And indeed observations show that any object will continue travelling in a inertial path until force is applied to change its direction.  In the same way as an object with equal push force pushing in from all directions of the universe will need to use force to move against this equal pressure in any direction. And once the force has stopped pushing the object from any one direction it will be on a new inertial path where it still sits at its own center of an infinite universe. 

Some say push gravity wouldn’t work because to push the object would involve transferring wave energy or particles to the atom. And that this would imply atoms in any push models would grow bigger and heavier. Which obviously isn’t observed. In a particle push model this is a problem. But with a wave EMR model it isn’t. Because the radiation either goes straight through the atom, or for a small percentage of incident radiation, gets reflected back in the same direction as it came. This reflection is the force needed to explain the ‘ push’ of gravity. This is already observed with light pressure via solar sails. EMR radiation is observed to exert a push on the mass of the solar sail. That observed push on solar sails is essentially ...the same mechanism that gives us push gravity. 

To conclude it is important to say that in an infinite sized and infinite aged universe there will be primordial EMR that moves much faster then or slower than c due to local random motions within the infinite universe. Go far enough aback in time and a light source in a galaxy long ago dissipated will have its expanding bubble of EMR travelling at many and vast different speeds to our more recently created galaxy. And at speeds so high and thus energies so great that our instruments cannot detect them. However, these high energy waves are detectable. Because it is these energies of EMR that interact with mass to give ...Push Gravity. And ultimately it is these extreme high energies waves which themselves create the atoms. As standing waves or vortices in the EMR filled vacuum. A subject which I have and will continue to describe in other pages of my theoretical physics pages on this blog.