Thursday 23 May 2024

First observation of a focused plasma wave on the sun

The following link is from an article titled ‘First Observation of a focussed plasma wave on the sun’

I have to say the quality of this research seems to be very poor. Or at the very least a rather complicated and torturous mathematical description of what is simply two convex wavefronts travelling across a liquid surface. An ubiquitous example seen everyday in waterwaves.  

The paper claims in the following quote from the article on the paper linked above:

“the original arc-shaped wavefronts changed to an anti-arc shape, with the curvature flipped by 180 degrees, from curved outward to saddle-shaped outward”

Fortunately a time based series of images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory is also supplied to show the data in graphic form. Making it  easier for visual analysis. No need for algorithms and pseudoscientific mathematical models. And let me stress the point: There is no “anti arc” concave wavefront. The researchers, being visually illiterate mathematicians, were unable to understand the data in a simple visual graphic format. Despite the fact that this data in graphic form is presented as evidence in their paper.!! Hi-liting how maths has prevented theoretical physics from understanding the true nature of the universe.

Look at and study frame by frame, the animated sequence of solar images from the paper and also supplied in the linked article above at the website. (And originally published in Nature at this link: )

What is actually happening is that there are two main sources of circular expanding wavefronts on the solar surface coming from the initial coronal ejection (s) starting at a central point one above the other on the left hand side of the satelitte images.  These are essentially convex wavefronts in the “liquid/plasma” surface of the sun. (Analogous to two waves in water propagating outwards from two stones dropped into the water simultaneously and adjacent to each other.) As the two wavefronts propagate outwards and horizontally towards the right hand side of the images, they NEVER flip from convex to concave. What actually happens is the two main convex waves intersect and interfere with each other as they propagate rightwards in the images across the plane of the suns surface and create an ILLUSION of a single concave wave propagating to the right of the satelitte images. 

This is a simple effect seen in water waves in ripple tanks or for that matter, in any liquid. In the illustration below the two sets of concentric rings indicate the two wavefronts travelling out across the solar surface after the initial event. The time lapse is shown by colouring the sets of 2 expanding wavefront circles with different  colours as follows. 

Time (t) elapsed is denoted as: t1 green circles, t2 black, t3 red and t4 blue.